Well, Jerry Fallwell is in the cold, cold ground. I speak on my behalf when I say, I feel more secure now than I have in years!!! It's a sad statement of the person, when people seem to feel better when someone like Falwell passes. He may have had some good points, but they were always overshadowed by his total lack of "christian" compassion. His un-waivering hate of some people in the world, that he was suppose to minister to. His lack of forgiveness. His twisting of facts to fit HIS agenda. Not the God he claimed to represent. The only God Jerry Fallwell represented was a MATERIAL GOD. If it did not benifit Jerry Fallwell, it was wrong.
I have sympathy for his Family. They feel they have lost someone dear to them. But he was not so dear to alot of others. I, as a gay man, feel just in saying, I am confident that when I get to Heaven, I won't have to see the likes of Jerry Fallwell there because of his acts on earth, the God he so tried to force others to see, now see's him in all his faults and deciept. He will be in hell, and nashing his teeth with the best of them,(or worst), sadly enough. I am sorry for his family. If they inheirit any of his misguided hate and malcontent, they will be with him. Now, all I can do is wait for the other demon to die. Pat Robertson is on his last legs from the looks of him. He's about due to face judgement too. As stated before, it's sad when a majority thinks the world would be a better place without them in it. They both started of with good intentions but greed and self righteousness got in the way. (In Pat Robertson's case, lunacy helped.)
AND....how 'bout them Illegal Immigrants? I still fail to see why the federal government wants to give rights to people who break our laws and kill people.
I had to laugh at Jay Leno the other night, He said a truth that escaped alot of people. In his monolog he said, Mexicans and illegal immigrants do work alot of Amercains won't do, give them citizenship, and they will stop doing it to, then more immigrants will have to come in to fill those jobs......See it won't stop until we enforce THE LAWS!!!! If things are so bad in Mexico, all the people who could be shipped back because they won't abide by US laws, should go back, and if they really tried....they could make it better there instead of making it worse here! Illegal Immigrants need to go back to mexico or wherever and change their country, not ours! If America is so unfair, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!
Till next time,
C Ya!!!!