Thursday, April 12, 2007

Where's the Justice???'s been a long time but I have
seen and heard enough to get back on my soapbox and rant again!!!

In the past year I have seen gay marriage sink into near oblivion,
people killed with no actions taken by police as well as in the recent few weeks, illegal
immigrants march for rights they do not deserve and a radio icon has been toppled by a remark about a certain race of people that is used between said race, but don't let a white man use the same type of remark!!!! It is raceist!!!
Yet... in this "Free Country" that is soooooooo tolerant, people of all races can still call homosexual people, or race if you will, FAG, RUMP RANGER, PERVERT, SICK SON OF A BITCH, HELL BOUND, WORTHLESS, and just about any and all things hateful that can be used for a person/people, and it's OK??????

I see no one marching in front of any organization that slanders
gays!!!! I see no political figures in the US Capitol, stepping up and saying this is wrong, I see no state congress passing a resolution apologizing for hateful things said
let alone done to the gay community in the past!!!!! But let one man say something about a black man, woman, or child and it's not right??? Get a life you morons!!!!! Hate of any kind is not right!!!!

I see no Radio personality decrying the degree of hate leveled at gay
and lesbian Men, Women, OR CHILDREN!!!!!!

But let a drunk illegal Mexican kill two young white girls....It's
reprehensible? It's no less reprehensible than what Mr. Imus said, or the fact that the same Mexican guy was arrested previously in Chesapeake, Virginia, and his license being
suspended, WHICH, he never had IN THE FIRST PLACE BECAUSE HE WAS IN THE US ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not even a Social Security Number??????
Hmmmm....can someone clue in the government officials running the cities, states, and country that there is something wrong with the system????????
Something is wrong with a society as a whole, when a whole class, race,section of people are still looked down on, put down, and violence leveled against them and STILL nothing is done to correct it.
I am sorry that two families lost two young and wonderful children by the ignorant selfish act of one individual who seems to have no regard for others and is so......ignorant.

I am saddened that a moment that should have been something special for a team of talented girls was tarnished by one person's insensitive remark.
But what really gets to me is the way those things and more are still
tolerated and in some places even accepted or expected to continue and are not decried by others as was the remark by Don Imus.
The senseless deaths of gays being gunned down or dragged down dirt roads, or attacked with bats in a vacation resort, has continued .
Attacks on gay adults as well as young children that are allowed to continue!!!

Perhaps when this society both here and abroad at the very least tries to be accepting of all people, I might be a little more understanding of the ignorance that currently prevails.

My sympathies go out to Don Imus, on the racial double standard that has lead to his removal from CBS.

My heart goes out to the two families, shattered by the actions of a drunk illegal alien and inaction's of government to scared to step up and protect it's citizens.

My mind still sees the image of Matthew Shepard
on a fence.
My heart goes out to all gay, lesbian, transgender people who are still not protected from this and other horrendous and hurtful things that are still going on and happening to, for no reason at all except