Thursday, November 05, 2009

Well, I've changed the name of the blog to where I now reside! Virginia is history so now I will be blogging on things here in MI! Oh joy. Things here seem to be far better here than in The Old "Demonic"(Dominion) State. I got out just in time it seems, as a republican is about to take over the governmental affairs of Va. It'll make things even harder for those poor GLBT folks to be productive and have a decent life I fear but unless they try to make changes...let's just say they won't get what they paid for in that theater. At least here the GLBT community is trying to make changes. Kalamazoo accomplished alot just yesterday in fact. I just hope it stays that way. As far as personal news...I bought a house here and am trying to get a business started. It's slow going but I'm hopeful it'll work out. Keep your fingers crossed. Well, got to get back to business now and I'll try to up date as often as possible. But, judging from the date of my last post here....we'll keep our fingers crossed on that to. LOL!! Until net post...Stay Gay!!!