Wednesday, December 08, 2010

It’s Christmas Time!!!!


Well, the season is upon us and every year at this time people change……into grabbing clawing, ruthless,spineless, just all around mean people. In my years, I’ve seen people from all walks of life express many feelings during the “Holiday Season”. They range from loving to just plain spiteful. But in the last few years or so, they have been in the latter area. Like the poor guy who got trampled when the doors of a Target store opened on Black Friday. it’s not the first time it’s happened, there are those who died I seem to recall in past debauches in the mindless quest to save a few bucks on one item or another. A few year back I remember a Walmart employee was shot dead because the store misplaced a Lay-Away!  Where is the compassion? What happened to Christmas?

I know, I know…..your saying It’s still around….it’s in your heart….blah…blah…blah! If it’s in your hearts…then let it show people!!! Be more compassionate. Be more loving. Be more OF the spirit and less in the spirits! (Hint…hint)

I try to be positive during the Christmas Season. I smile more than usual, I try to make others feel better about the things happening around them. I try to remind others or the good things in life instead of focusing on all the negative things that tend to drag us down.

I guess I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to the Christmas Season. I’m all about lights, music, friends, and most family.

I watch “The Polar Express”, I sing along to the song “When Christmas Comes to Town”…. I’m weird in that I see the connection of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” to the Christmas side of things.

My other half has a very negative attitude on Christmas, (As with most holidays), Now that we’ve moved up north to help his family…his Mom is the same way. I see now where he got it from and I battle this every day. There’s always something bad happening…so at Christmas…how about letting that aspect go for awhile and seeing the good in life!!! I hear “I got no money so I can’t buy anyone any Christmas gifts…I want it to be over fast.” Well if buying gifts is all the holidays are about…no wonder your miserable! It’s not all about gift giving of the monetary kind…how about the most wonderful gift you CAN give…and I might add, IT DON’T COST A THING BUT A FEW SECONDS OF YOUR TIME Give your love and friendship!!


AND…I don’t want the Christmas Spirit to “be over fast” I want to feel it awhile…it could be a long year until next Christmas!!!

So, until next time you scrooges….Smile and give a hug to someone you love or don’t even know!!! God Bless Us Every One!!!!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Well...I feel again that time has come to vent on the events in the world in my perspective. The thoughts and views in this blog are not the expressed views and opinions of anyone other than myself so,if you are upset and easily offended then I would suggest that you read a less truthful blogger and put your rose colored glasses back on otherwise.. read on and be prepared to be "shocked and maybe awed" by my thoughts.
It has been almost a year in the making but I'm positive I can speak for thousands when I say...Waa...Waa...Waa....Miss Lohan. I've watched you whine, beg, and intentionally disreguard the court system just as countless other diva wannabes have and now your in the slammer for 90 days,(We hope?). It remains to be seen if this will happen or not but I for one think you deserve much more than mere 90 days for the tricks and total disreguard for the rules we all must abide by but you in your childish thoughts seem to believe that you are above the law? Get a grip. You are an example to girls the world over and now your a sad pathetic hussy. Go to jail...go directly to not pass go and do not collect $200.000.00!!!

In the news tonight a story about illeagl immagrants, (Mexicans), are in a hurry to leave the great state of Arizona before the new laws take effect. The federal government is trying to sue the state into submission and it's just wrong!!! Not the law...the lawsuit!!!
GET A LIFE!!! If your here illeagly...GO BACK TO WHERE YOUR FROM IF YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE HERE!!! It is partly Americans fault to. I heard it said once that mexicans do jobs the americans don't want to do and now americans need the jobs but want to be politicaly correct??? C'mon!!! I saw that the Arizona schools are loseing students...well...good...maybe now AMERICAN children will get a better education now that the mexicans are going! Instead of our tax dollars going to support the babymakers of a forigen land and not to the children who need it. Maybe class size will be such now that OUR kids will get the education they deserve and not backseat to a bunch of oppertunists who care nothing for their own country and want to live almost free and clear here off our kindness and tax dollars. I hope that Arizona prevails in this debate AND other states will stop being patsies to people who can't support their own country and are bringing ours down to by being here illeagally!!!
Now to the Gulf Coast. BP is ever so slowly working on the mess that they created. I have a real problem with a company that has billions of dollars and tons of technology at their disposal and this is the best they can do with capping a gushing oil pipe? I think they are just trying to hike the price of crude up so they can turn a profit and in the long run...try to look like humanitarians. BS in the first degree!!!!

I'm gonna stop for now. I (as is the rest of the world...) am waiting with baited see where "King James" decides to play basketball and get millions each year to look stupid. Let's all hope that this is not another Michael Vick in the making!!

See you real soon America!!