Friday, September 16, 2005

Ready for the Weekend?

Well, it's the weekend and we've dodged the bullet as far as hurricane O is concerned!! Thank goodness. Looking to do some good business at the shop in the next 2 days!!! If your in the area of Chesapeake, VA...Come on in and see our Shop!!!!
I'm still on about the mess down in New Orleans but at least things are getting better for those poor people!!
My other half is happier as of today, he's now eligible for Workmans Comp. He found out today so he is not as stressed for money now. I'm happy for him, but..... I'll leave it at that. ;-p
I'm making some really great buttons and custom Greeting Cards for Halloween so I'm happy. The "creative jucices" are flowing!!!
I am really looking forward to the Holidays coming. I don't know...I'm still a kid at heart I guess!! lol
Well, that's all for now. C Ya next time!!

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