Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well, I'm back. I have gone through ALOT of personal changes since my last posting. Top of the list...My mom passed away. I'm hiding from the fact by keeping real busy. I'm also getting ready for a trip/vacation to Mich. with my lover to spend Christmas with his parents. I just don't feel I can handle the emotions of "The Holiday Season" in Virginia, so...Go north and avoid it all!!
I'm in the process of opening up a new website for my business. I've closed my brick and mortar store and am opening an online store for the time being. There is just so much to do when a relative passes away and your the only child. I tell everyone, with each passing day I get more respect for Homeowners!!!! Now that I AM a homeowner!!!
Well, I'll be adding more soon. so I won't bore you now. Till next time fans.

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